The Importance of Play -- Paper Dolls

I am incredibly passionate about play. 

Kids need to play. 

I firmly believe that there should not be separate times... "learning time" vs. "play time." Play time IS learning time. Even when it doesn't look like kids are learning, their little brains are working very hard to connect all kinds of things.

I definitely think that technology is a great thing and can be used effectively to educate, but I DO believe that technology has begun to overtake our culture. Overuse of technology by our children has had major effects on motor skills development especially.

There is a difference between grabbing, holding, and placing a physical puzzle piece versus clicking and dragging a digital puzzle piece with one index finger. Both are good for the brain, but one is way better for motor skill development.

I'm not telling you that we don't play games on our devices, because we do.

I try my best to limit it, and I try my best to decipher games and apps that are replacing physical, motor skill developing activities.

For instance, paper dolls. My daughter loved a "paper doll" dress up app. With this app, you didn't even have to click and drag! Simply tapping on a new clothing item would instantly change the doll.

Well, I was over that.

That was motivation to finish a set of paper dolls that I actually started for another project that just never happened, because well... life.

I printed the colored version on heavy card stock, cut them out and attached magnets. I found the metal try at a thrift store and painted it with a primer/sealer. The 'fridge, of course works perfectly too, but they tend to play this while I am working in the kitchen and need quick access to it.

If you would like to, you can purchase these in my Etsy Shop for instant download.

You can get the color your own version or version that are already colored.

I also plan to do more! I'm working on some boys. Even though Reuben likes playing with these, he'd love a boy. I envision some pirate clothes or knight clothes which would also fit on the girls : )


  1. I love favorite thing in the world growing up was paper dolls and how easy we forget how fun those hands on little things were! I need to take this advice from you and print some for my CREW of girlies..they would LOVE IT!!! Thanks

    1. Thank you, Gretchen! We do forget so fast. Just as my kids are growing and playing with things, I am also remembering favorite toys, in general, from my childhood that I wish they could play with!

  2. These are so sweet! You put so much detail into making them, and they turned out so well. I agree with you about learning and playing working together. Young children learn so much from playing. I have a three month old that we're getting ready to start into daycare (I'm sad about it), but one of their philosophies is the importance of play as she grows. That makes me so happy.

    1. I am so glad you found a play based center. There are so many good ones, but often they are hard to get into because, people understand the value of a great care center!

  3. These are awesome! One of my favorite things to do as a girl was play paper dolls. I had tons of them. I'm going to see if my mom kept them because I'd love to show my boys.

    1. Thank you Shann! I have one bridal set that I kept from my childhood. I think my four year old is ready to see them, but I'm definitely not ready for the 2 year old to touch them : )

  4. I love this idea!! I have a 9.5 month old and we already encourage so much play. I want to try my hardest to keep her in that mindset vs using technology as long as possible but I know it's a challenge

    1. ugh! It is SUCH a battle. Especially because technology really is a great thing! It can be such a fantastic learning tool.

  5. Oh wow! I absolutely LOVED paper dolls as a kid. They were some of my fondest memories at my grandma's house. I got some for my girls last year, but they had quite the struggle getting the clothes to stay on with those little paper tabs. I never thought about using magnets. You are genius! Thanks so much for sharing, I am also going to pin to spread the word about your etsy shop.

    -Miranda at Drops of Learning

    1. Thank you SO much for spreading the word, Miranda!! Yes, the magnets are amazing. My four year old was really frustrated with the tabs too (which I remember feeling that way when I was young so...).

  6. These are SO cool!! I loved my dress up dolls growing up... I even had those rubbing/tracing toys that let you kind of draw your own... I used a LOT of paper, lol! I agree with you about play... it's so fascinating to watch connections click in my babies' brains as they're learning to grasp and lift and seeing cause and effect... you just don't get that the same way with apps.

    1. YES! I love the rubbings. I JUST saw one when I was thrifting the other day, and I totally regret not picking it up :(
