Just Rip Off the Bandage and Click Publish Already!

This site has been ready for weeks. The last thing I set up was my "About" page, and then I got scared. You'd think I'd be excited. I love the new design. I'm excited about the idea. I know I feel called to do this. I've been doing the whole blog thing for a lot of years now, blogging about my businesses, my craftiness, and the happy parts of my life and family (say two or three posts about major life dramas).

Why is this any different?

Because I'm gonna be real.
Maybe even ruffle a few feathers.
Share the joys AND the sorrows and frustrations.

For a life long people pleaser, who dislikes attention for anything anyone might see as dramatic, this is scary! I KNOW there's people out there that relate.

What really freaks me out is that for the first time, I have truly acknowledged, in writing, in public, that I battle a mental illness.

It's been a lifelong battle. I didn't even know it had a name (Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorder) until I was 22. Even since then... Sure, I have acknowledged I'm an anxious person, high strung, a little on the nervous side. But, I never said those words, "mental illness."

Why? 'Cause there's a stigma. Admit it, there is. Even if you disagree with the stigma, it still exists. Stereotypes suck, and I am just as bad as anyone else. I get it. I just don't want to be the one who is stereotyped. That's what it comes down to.

It is also something that I've never wanted to "give-in" to. In the last two months, however, giving in and accepting my illness has brought more healing than ANY therapy I've ever done!
My anxiety issues aren't going to be the only subject I write about, but let's face it, it's a major player in my life and it affects pretty much everything. I KNOW there's people out there that relate.

Hopefully, even if you don't battle a mental illness, there will still be plenty of stuff on this blog that you can relate to. Some other things I'm planning to share:
parenting woes
marriage woes
photography sessions and tips
minimalist living
natural living
smashing the ideals of beauty presented to us by the media
recipes and thoughts on food in general
craft tutorials
and more.

So join me on this new adventure. Let's encourage each other and be real.


One of the biggest battles I have EVER had with my daughter was over a flippin' bandage. I wanted her to take it off, and that caused the melt down of the century. I eventually won the battle (because that's what parents have to do once they've committed, right?), but I have not fought that battle since. Right now, my son has a bandage on his finger. It's disgustingly dirty and fraying. It's been there for DAYS and DAYS. I'm not fighting that battle.

Is this just me? What battles do you choose not to battle with your kids? OR get a little deeper, what things are you afraid to let others know? Leave a comment; start a conversation!

In my years of blogging, I only showed "good quality" photos. None of those photos included me! On this blog, you'll see plenty of "good quality" photos, but I'm done keeping parts of my life hidden simply because it's not a great photo. Good photo, bad photo, it's a moment captured!


  1. You're wonderful. I wouldn't have known you had anxiety/panic attacks; of course I don't know you all that well. Whatever you write, I support you. Open books are the ones that get read and provide inspiration. Thanks for being brave.

    1. Thanks Eric! Most people don't know... I hide things very well : / Thanks for reading!

  2. your family's adorable & they are blessed to have an insightful and brave woman in their lives. battles i refuse to fight: how molly wears her hair (because she chooses down & in her face all day everyday), and whether she wears earrings or not; her ears have been pierced since she was an infant but most days she doesn't want to wear them. i used to take that crap way too personal. but i've thrown it to the wind & we're happier & more at peace now. plus, when we get all go-go gangbusters on behavior correction, we tend to miss the most important thing of all: the love.
    i can't wait to see the development of this blog unfold! xo

    1. Ugh! Word up on the hair!! I don't understand how they can stand it in their face all the time. Too funny. And yes. The love. That's the biggest lesson in parenting, I think. Focus on the Love.

  3. Talking about it only can help. I'm seeing my doc on Tuesday about my anxiety and depression. Not proud. Not embarrassed. It is what it is and I have had both very much under control up until this summer. Now there has ben a shift--not sure why or what, but I am sick of it controlling me--making decisions for me. I'm the boss, but I need help. Who knows, maybe the simple act of me typing this will release a bunch of the pressure. All I know is that the more you try to hide and suppress anxiety or depression, the worse they get.

    Loud and proud! Rip that bandaid!

    1. Thanks for reading and for YOUR vulnerability here, Jake. I don't think anyone is sure what causes the shifts and that makes things all the more frustrating. I fully support getting help; medicine, therapy, whatever, and I will be posting lots of things about that later : )

      You are correct. No more hiding; it only amplifies the problem.

  4. Oh wow, sign me up! Takes a brave woman to be real in our plastic world! Bless you on this journey, I'll be reading along.

    1. Thank you for following and for your kind words. I love the description of "plastic world." I hate it. I have really noticed the power of media since my kids were born. I just want them to grow up knowing that they are enough!

  5. This is so great Chris! Thanks for being honest. I've always so admired your ability to use the hard things in your life to help others. Love you!

    1. Thanks Karin. I look forward to collaborating with you somehow! Love you too.

  6. You are a brave, strong woman, Sis. Kudos to you. I've been thinking a lot about mental well being, especially in the school setting. We focus so much on "performance" and "data" that students are often reduced to numbers and acronyms. We need more emphasis on developing decent, well-balanced human beings. I love you a lot!

  7. It's a huge lesson (bringing things into the light) that has only been beneficial for sure!

  8. So proud of my children, grandchildren, and extended family. Love that you are doing this Chris. Hope you recognize the educator in you. Love you so much,


  9. Love your blog, Chris! You are so amazing. Love you and miss you!

    1. Oh Joy!! How I miss you and love you too. Thanks for reading : )

  10. I battle with getting 200 pre-teen and teenagers in one room to sing together.
